코 The nose
회사 면접을 하루 앞두고 성형한 코를 잃어버린 여자가 코를 찾기 위해 고군분투하는 이야기
This is the story of a woman that searches high and low for her nose after losing it to plastic surgery the day before a job interview.
Originally written by Nikolai Gogol
Director : Kim Jooim
camera&producer : Park Byunggyu
Animating: Kim Jooim
Co writer :Lee Hanjun
BGimage:Kim Jooim, Lee Sanghyun
Music : Ma Sangwoo
Sound : Lee Juseock
Voice actor: Jeong DaYuen, Jeon SungHa, Bae HanYong, Seok SeungHun,
Eun PyongAhn, Lee HanJun, Chung YoungKyung, Kim Jooim
제작지원 : 한국 콘텐츠 진흥원 / 유니벌유즈
*이 작업을 완성하도록 도움 주셨던 모든 분들께 다시 한번 감사 드립니다.
*Thank you again to everyone who helped us complete this task.
screenings & awards
2017 50th SITGES International Fantastic Film Festival / Spain
2017 25th Animamundi Animation Festival / Brazil
2017 13th indianifest / Korea
2017 13th Eurasia International Film Festival / Kazakhstan
2017 9th Seoul International Extreme-Short Image & Film Festaval / Korea
2017 1st KOC!ANI / Korea
2018 16th Festival of Korean Cinema in Italy / Italy
2018 15th Tricky Women(Speak out) / Austria
애니메이션 animation
<코> 애니메이션 기획의도
3호선 압구정역 근방은 유명한 성형외과 밀집지역으로, 근방엔 성형외과 광고 옥외물이 넘쳐난다.
코| The nose | 2016 | 8min 38sec
<코> 애니메이션 기획의도